Further Reading

There’s a bibliography for acadmics of books in English by John Breen and Mark Teeuwen, running to three and a half pages.  Click to see it.

For those looking for something a little shorter and more accessible, there’s a selected list of books below. For reviews of publications about Shinto, please see the Book Reviews listed in the Categories section of this blog.


Blacker, Carmen, The Catalpa Bow (Allen and Unwin, 1975/ RoutledgeCurzon, 2004) – A study of shamanistic practice in Japan

Breen, John, and Mark Teeuwen, A New History of Shinto (2010) – A stimulating read by leading experts in the field, who present Shinto as a construction with medieval origins which never existed as such in ancient times.

Cali, Joseph and John Dougill  Shinto Shrines (Uni. of Hawaii Press, 2012) – A detailed guide to the country’s leading shrines together with a comprehensive Introduction explaining Shinto terms and development. Altogether 59 shrines are covered, making this a great guide for anyone living in Japan or visiting for spiritual tourism.

de Bary, Wm Theodore ed. et al, Sources of Japanese Tradition Vol. 1 ((Columbia Uni. Press, 1958; rev. 2002) – An anthology of early texts, including those on the formation of Shinto, together with an authoritative commentary.

Hardacre, Helen, Shinto and the State, 1868-1988 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989) – An authoritative overview of post-Meiji developments that led to the formation of State Shinto.  It shows too how the Meiji arrangements remain in place in the postwar period.

Hardacre, Helen, Shinto: A History OUP, 2017 Such a massive piece of scholarship that it has to be applauded even while acknowledging its 700 pages is likely too intimidating for the average reader.

Hartz, Paula R.  Shinto (Facts on Files: 1997) – Simple introduction to the basics of Shinto

Kasulis, Thomas P.  Shinto: The Way Home (Uni. of Hawaii Press, 2004) – Written by a philosopher, this presents a sympathetic and thought-provoking account of the religion for those who want a more general read.

Littleton, C. Scott. Understanding Shinto: Origins, Beliefs, Practices, Festivals, Spirits, Sacred (Watkins, 2011) A basic introduction of 112 pages to the key elements of Shinto, based on the notion that it is essentially ‘a religion of Japaneseness’.

Nelson, John A Year in the Life of a Shinto Shrine (Uni. of Washington, 1996) – A study of Suwa Shrine in Nagasaki by a leading anthropologist.

Nobutaka, Inoue et al, Shinto: A Short History (Routledge Curzon, 2003) – A collection of academic articles which show Shinto as an East Asian religion, rather than unique to Japan.

Ono, Sokyo, Shinto the Kami Way (Tuttle, 1962) – For many years the sole book on Shinto, written by a teacher at Kokugakuin University.  It presents the traditional, conservative view of the country’s ‘indigenous religion’, open to Japanese by birth but exclusive of foreigners.

Reader, Ian, Simple Guide to Shinto (Global Books, 1998)  – Does what it claims in its title. A lecturer in religion, Reader sees Shinto as essentially Japanese and not universal.

Smyers, Karen The Fox and the Jewel (Uni. of Hawaii, 1999)  – A stimulating read about the Inari cult.

Yamakage, Motohisa The Essence of Shinto: Japan’s Spiritual Heart (Kodansha, 2012) – A popular but controversial guide by a priest outside the Jinja Honcho mainstream with some trenchant ideas of his own.



  1. Aidan Rankin

    May I add to your list my book, ‘Shinto: A Celebration of Life’, published by Mantra books, 2010. It is an introduction for the non-expert and its main focus is the way in which Shinto, as an unbroken polytheist tradition, offers a positive alternative to western either/or logic. At the same time, it demonstrates that a nature-based spirituality is compatible with an urban, technologically advanced civilisation – not only ‘compatible’, but an integral part.

    • John D.

      Thank you for pointing that out, Aidan. I have actually read the book, and it should indeed be on the list. I hope all goes well with you, and I note that the Essentials of Shinto on which you worked has been topping the Shinto sales on amazon… Congratulations!

  2. Sandrine

    Any recommendations regarding Amaterasu specifically? It looks like very challenging to find one on this major Kami or on Ise temple

    • John D.

      A Social History of the Ise Shrines by Teeuwen and Breen is the only book I know dedicated to the subject.

  3. Ethan

    Thank you for the information!

    Do you have any recommendations for books that focus specifically on Shinto architecture? I am interested in the various elements of Shinto shrines, building techniques, philosophy of materials etc.

    (Also, just FYI, the exhaustive reading list link is broken.)

    • John D.

      Well, I would certainly recommend the introduction of Shinto Shrines by J. Cali, which gives a clear factual overview of all the important aspects in a comprehensible and comprehensive manner. Otherwise Sokyo Ono provides a general introduction that has dated somewhat since it was first published some 59 years ago. It also suggests that Shinto is a purely Japanese religion. If you’re looking for an inspirational work that shows why Shinto might be considered universal, try Shinto: The Way Home by Thomas Kasulis.

    • John D.

      The best book I’m aware of that give a detailed architectural guide to more than 50 shrines is entitled Shinto Shrines by Joseph Cali, pub by University of Hawaii Press. (Thank you also for pointing out the broken link. I’ll inform my webmaster about it.)

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